This house was originally a model home completely overplanted with evergreen shrubs in unattractive rows. The slope of the front beds also resulted in mulch continually washing onto the sidewalk. New stone planters were constructed across the front of the home and terraced to create more visual interest. Terracing was added on the side of the driveway to match the front and to create a raised planter to address drainage.
The homeowner is an avid gardener and wanted to use a myriad of plants as well as have places to play. A small lawn area remains as required by the HOA. Random evergreen shrubs were removed and transplanted to break up hedge rows. New perennials, grasses, and flowering shrubs throughout create the cottage garden feel desired by the homeowner. The extreme slope on the side yard made it inaccessible so an additional terrace was added. The evergreen shrubs create a backdrop with areas left open to seed wildflowers and cut flowers. Stone edges are softened by overflowing evergreens and perennials. Areas for annuals by the entrance create seasonal interest.
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